A Fine How Do You Do

Good morning friends!

I’m back after a couple days break which was much needed. I have to tell you that Friday was probably the worst day I have had in some time. Since leaving my job in February and becoming a SAHM I have struggled with anxiety. Well, I would venture to say I struggled with anxiety before quitting work but at that time I was able to busy myself and avoid having ALL THE FEELINGS. Not so much anymore! Also after doing some research it seems that my prenatal vitamin may be having an influence on my anxiety levels. The vitamin is heavy with B Complex (7000% daily value) and this has been know to increase anxiety levels. I wasn’t aware of this but I have noticed an general agitation since I started the vitamin about a month ago. I think I’ll try to get together a few replacement options and ask Dr. Max about all of this when I see him on Monday. Till then, I’m just going to take 1/3 of the daily dose and see how I feel.

As I mentioned, I have an appointment with Dr. Max this coming Monday. Remember all that blood work I had at my first visit? We are supposed to review the findings of the levels he checked. I received some results via my Chart App but honestly, I’m not sure what to make of them. It will be good to get his input. Just so you know, here’s the levels that were checked.


Currently I’m on Day 13 of my cycle and all my apps and monitors tell me that I *should* be ovulating very soon. Since it’s my first month using the monitor, I’ve tested each morning since day 6 of my cycle. img_1112Today was the first day that I have seen anything but LOW on my fertility monitor so I was excited to see some kind of change in the estrogen levels! I guess that gives you an idea of what we’re up to around here lately 😉

I have one final thing to share.. I decided to lose my mind and chop my hair off last week. My son is 13 years old this year and I distinctly remember when he was 1 year old, I cut my hair short. I decided about a week later I’d never do that again! I have had long hair of some sort for the last 12 years. I kept my hair long for many reasons over the years but mostly because of the work I did, I always needed to have it pulled back. Well, not anymore! I am so pleased with my new short hair and I have not looked back! Less time washing, drying, less expensive color and highlights… WIN!

Here’s some before and after pictures 🙂

img_1054-1img_1064-1img_1063-1img_1065See yall tomorrow!


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