A Fine How Do You Do

Good morning friends! I'm back after a couple days break which was much needed. I have to tell you that Friday was probably the worst day I have had in some time. Since leaving my job in February and becoming a SAHM I have struggled with anxiety. Well, I would venture to say I struggled... Continue Reading →

Day 8: Meme’s of the Moment

It's Day 8 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge and I must say, the days are just rolling right along! So far I think you've learned some pretty valuable information about me like why I  chose this blog name, what kind of shorts I'm wearing day to day, how I used to be in full on... Continue Reading →

What’s in my Amazon Cart?

Ok y'all full disclosure we are 100% sold out for Amazon Prime. We use it like our personal assistant. I mean who doesn't love that you can get pretty much anything on earth in 2 days. We take full advantage. That said, I have a cart that's always full of things in waiting. Right now... Continue Reading →

Sometimes You Shred Your Bed(s)

Here's a post from my first blog over at DaneMamaBlog.Wordpress.org. When he was younger, Moose had an exciting run of shredding beds when he was left home alone. Thank goodness it didn't last long!

Live the Great Dane Life

Hello friends! Today we're on Day 6 of my 30 Day Challenge. I think the challenge is going well and I'm really looking forward to today's post. It's all about my BFF and favorite furry guy Moose Brown. Moose is our Great Dane and yes, he deserves his own introduction. This guy is Mr. Personality.... Continue Reading →

Monday Minutes

Good morning friends! Today is day number 5 in my 30 Day Blog Challenge. I had planned to share a weekend recap of sorts but I'll be honest, our weekend was slow. My poor husband woke up Saturday morning to find that his back was 100% OUT. Typically he's pretty stoic but this I could... Continue Reading →

Weekend Web Crawl

  Weekends are for relaxing around our house. We love getting up early and hanging around on the couch a few hours on weekend morning. A cup of coffee in hand is a MUST. This morning I'm going to share a few of my favorites for your web viewing delight. These are not affiliate links just things... Continue Reading →

Then and Now: Celebrity Crushes 

Ok so here's something fun. Today I'm throwing it back and talking about my first celebrity crushes and my current celebrity crushes. I distinctly remember my first celebrity crush. Back in "the day" aka the 90's... we had a little something called fan clubs. If you had a celebrity crush you didn't have 24/7 access... Continue Reading →

Day 2: What’s in a Name

Welcome to Day 2 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge! Just two days in and already feeling more clear about writing on the blog. Having a set topic is helping me edit myself. Some of the things that pop into my head just don't fit with the topic so they get nixed and maybe that'll be... Continue Reading →

30 Day Blog Challenge

Welcome to day #1 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge. As a new blogger, I'm having trouble getting into the ole groove with writing everyday. While I certainly want to write each day, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by wanting to share ALL THE THINGS at once. I figured that a 30 day challenge is a... Continue Reading →

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